Mental Health Therapy for Pregnancy & Postpartum

Telehealth Appointments in VA and OR.

Mental Health Therapy for Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in Oregon and Virginia. Bi-lingual Telehealth (English-Spanish) appointment to clients in Oregon and Virginia.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Depression / Anxiety

Most parents experience some degree of anxiety/depression or stress after having a baby. Sometimes, women can experience more intense symptoms of Depression or Anxiety. Symptoms can appear at any time during pregnancy or during the 1st year after a baby is born. They can affect they way you feel about yourself, your relationship with your partner/family, or your relationship with your baby.

There is no need to suffer in silence. With help, you can get well.

I offer telehealth sessions to both Virginia and Oregon clients.

Areas of Focus

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Postpartum Anxiety

  • Postpartum OCD

  • Birth/Traumatic Birth

  • Difficulties bonding with baby

  • Baby Blues

  • Self Esteem issues

  • Pregnancy Loss

  • Fertility Issues

Get Started with a 15-Minute Consultation

If you are ready to take the 1st step towards a healthier and happier life, I invite you to contact me at to book a 15-minute consultation.

With help, you can get well.

New Parent Support

  • Transition to Motherhood/Fatherhood

  • New Parent Identity Issues

  • Stay at Home/Back to Work

  • Infant Mental Health

  • Toddler Behavior Management

  • Age-Appropriate Routines and Discipline

  • Family/Life/Work Balance

  • Self-care for New Parents

  • Family History Exploration

There's no need to suffer in silence


There's no need to suffer in silence 〰️

Mental Health Therapy for Adults

Areas of Focus:

  • Panic Attacks

  • Family Conflict

  • PTSD/Trauma

  • Anger Management

  • OCD

  • Experiences of Abuse

  • Work/life Stress

  • Adjustment Disorders

  • Acculturation Issues

  • Collaborative

    Collaborative means that treatment is a two-way street. We will meet each other halfway, each of us actively participating in the process, to reach our shared goal of overcoming your challenges, whatever they may be.

  • Strength-based

    Strength-based means that, whether you realize it or not, there are unique aspects of who you are today that work in your favor: your life experience, your skills, your belief system, perhaps even your ethnicity or family history. We will identify these and use them as resources to help you heal.

  • Cognitive Behavioral

    A cognitive behavioral approach is one that takes into account how your thoughts affect the way you feel about yourself, other and the world. And how these affect your behavior.